only drops
Ivona Bozik
“I don’t know the code, never understood the basics…” the song kept repeating, letting me
sink deeper every second into its groove, into the truth of the words, echoing endlessly now.
No escaping the hard, harsh longing they thrust in my face, rubbing in the acid-like texture
into my heavy chest. Longing for the answers, longing for simplicity, longing for a flowing
life, life getting its way across the landscape like a river, embracing the rocks like a sea, freely
letting go like a waterfall, enveloping being like an ocean. No, there’s violence in there I’m
ignoring, storms and clashes and carvings. Maybe, I am like water already, rushing into the
land, again and again, hitting it straight on, for years, just without the patience of the
millennia. I want to see that cave, that refuge, now, breathe in its humid refreshing soothing
air, lay down in its calm fortress, at ease, half-, not really sleeping, -resting, half-enjoying its
timid vivacity, catching splashes and drops, hearing out for a rhythm of waves, my melodic
guarding brothers now. Yet, they’re not. I’m still drowning, beating my head into the cliffs of
knowledge and beauty and truth, floating, dancing numbly in their twisted arms, broken in
[previously published on blog]
Ivona Bozik (she/her) is a curious Slovenian writer and content creator, currently living in France, passionate about literature, music, travel and social justice. Her texts were so far published in various Slovenian literary magazines, as well as on Feminine Collective, Hook Literary Magazine, The Amazine and trash to treasure lit. You can also find her on WordPress.